Diritti fondamentali e governance economica europea

di Marco D’Agostini

L’evoluzione, da un lato, dei Trattati e, dall’altro, della giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia, ha progressivamente sviluppato la centralità dei diritti fondamentali nella vita dell’Unione europea. I Trattati hanno progressivamente riconosciuto tra i principi da perseguire o i diritti da tutelare la solidarietà, la coesione economica e sociale, la cittadinanza, i diritti umani; da ultimo, il Trattato di Lisbona ha equiparato il valore della Carta dei diritti fondamentali a quello dei Trattati.


The Court of Justice and the EU Treaties have gradually recognized among the principles to be pursued or the rights to be protected solidarity, economic and social cohesion, citizenship, human rights and, most recently, the Lisbon Treaty has equated the value of the Charter of Fundamental Rights to that of Treaties. This process has allowed a gradual shift of the centre of gravity of the Union from the original economic purpose, arising functionalist approach, to a political community perspective, designed also to protect those rights. Starting from this assumption the present essay, retracing the steps that led to the introduction of the euro, the Fiscal Compact and the framework of EU economic governance, looks into the issue of the compliance of this euro system with those principles and fundamental rights reaffirmed by the Union. This law economic and political verification is concluded with an exhortation to the revision of the EU economic governance, in the awareness of belonging to a common destiny, otherwise being the risk of a disintegration of the euro and perhaps the EU.

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