La communication research tradizionale, come tutta la scienza dell’epoca,era fortemente ancorata ad una logica aristotelica della quale hanno inevitabilmente risentito i paradigmi interpretativi che al suo interno si sono alternati nel tentativo di definire in che rapporto i mezzi di comunicazione di massa si ponessero nei confronti della realtà.
The crisis of dominant paradigms within communication research shows a lack of interpretative models useful to understand the media role within complex societies. A paradox paradigm seems to be, actually the best suited model to explain the contradictions produced by global culture. The aim of the paper is to analyze the traces of a fuzzy thinking in the way media logic represents phenomena like contemporary terrorism and they manages uncertainty. The fuzzy media logic could be better understood only through a cross‐media perspective which allow to capture different approach that digital media and media mainstream have with regard to the uncertainty created by the terrorism. A fuzzy logic model applied to mass media and digital media and their relationship with reality could be, also, a way of better understand ambivalence in the role of media and it could be a possible way to overtaking theparadigm crisis within communication research.