L’educazione finanziaria ai tempi del bail in

di Paolo Rossi

La recente crisi finanziaria globale (Di Gaspare 2011, 56 ss.; Capriglione 2012, 14 ss.), che ha colpito in modo pervasivo tutta l’economia mondiale, ha imposto all’attenzione generale la questione di individuare soluzioni volte non solo a rafforzare il sistema normativo di protezione del consumatore-risparmiatore, ma anche a promuoverne una maggior consapevolezza informativo-conoscitiva del mercato finanziario, in cui il piccolo investitore è, sin troppo sovente, vittima inconsapevole e comunque incolpevole dell’ormai intollerabile fenomeno del moral hazard bancario-finanziario.


The recent global financial crisis, which has pervasively affected the entire world economy, has brought general attention to the question not only of strengthening the regulatory system of protection of the consumer-saver, but also of fostering greater awareness of information and knowledge of the financial market, in which the small investor is, too often, an unaware victim. In this sense, the Author, moving from financial literacy as a means of protection and financial inclusion, focuses on the community measures dedicated to financial education, highlighting its persistent inadequacy; to then focus on Italy, where, after the traumatic advent of the bail in and the new community measures after the financial crisis and the intensification of the crises of the domestic banks, the legislator, with the law n. 15/2017, intervened on the subject: a first, though timid, step towards a concrete strategy of financial education, never so necessary, to protect the “saver” from the moral hazard of the market, making it, in this way, less insecure in the investment of own savings.

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