Nei numerosi contributi sviluppati e pubblicati sul fenomeno migratorio nel suo complesso, la componente giuridica ha un ruolo importante. Le principali caratteristiche del fenomeno stesso nell’attuale contesto globale sono a fondamento delle politiche di gestione preventiva e contestuale, d’emergenza o ordinaria, delineate e poste in essere dagli Stati d’origine, di transito e di destinazione, ma anche della percezione in cui esso è vissuto dalle popolazioni e dai suoi protagonisti: i migranti.
The international legal framework aimed at comprehensively regulating migration is based both on domestic and international human rights law principles and standards (international migration law), the so called new international grammar on migration. At the same time the institutional national dimension has been promoted to manage at the best ordinary and emergency migratory flows and to protect migrants asking for protection and assistance (migration management). Further commitment must be guaranteed at the governmental level to set down national strategies, policies and programmes on migration according to a multidimensional and multi-sectoral approach (migration governance), also involving migrants both individually and collectively to facilitate their economic, social, political and cultural inclusion as well as their access to basic services and work opportunities and the full respect of their rights and duties.