Le misure anti-tratta nell’ordinamento italiano: profili penalistici e tutela delle vittime

di Gianluca Ferrari

In Italia il fenomeno della tratta di esseri umani conta ogni anno un numero di mille persone identificate e assistite come vittime. Per avere la cifra esatta dell’impatto devastante di questa nuova forma di schiavitù, adattata alle economie di libero mercato, bisogna allargare lo sguardo al resto del mondo: lì i numeri salgono a 1.000.000 di persone censite per anno. 


The paper deals with the dramatic and current issue of trafficking in human beings following the publication of the latest GRETA Report, the most complete report on the state of the art of the measures adopted by each individual Member State in implementation of the 2008 Convention.

In Italy human trafficking counts every year a number of 1,000 people identified and assisted as victims. There is a close interdependence between transactional criminal organizations and slavery and trafficking crimes, whose commission is made possible thanks to the widespread control exercised by these organizations over illegal migration flows. The refugee protection crisis creates new opportunities for human traffickers and exploiters, and Italy continues to be the first port of destination for trafficked people, as well as a transit country for all other European nations.

This work will start from the scrutiny of slavery and trafficking crimes in our country, highlighting the regulatory evolution and the influence exercised at European / international level, and then focusing on the legal protection system for victims of trafficking.

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