di Giulia Colavecchio
La legislazione italiana in materia di immigrazione, asilo e gestione delle frontiere è stata profondamente novellata dal decreto-legge n. 113 del 2018, convertito con modifiche con la legge n. 132 del 2018, recante «Disposizioni urgenti in materia di protezione internazionale e immigrazione, sicurezza pubblica, nonché misure per la funzionalità del Ministero dell’interno e l’organizzazione e il funzionamento dell’Agenzia nazionale per l’amministrazione e la destinazione dei beni sequestrati e confiscati alla criminalità organizzata».
The Decree Law no. 113 of 2018, known as “Decreto Sicurezza”, transforms in-depth the domestic regulation on immigration, asylum and border management, as well as providing rules on urban security and the mayor’s powers. This essay focuses on the main amendments concerning the asylum seekers’ detention and pre-removal detention. Moreover, it refers to the provision of measures aimed at increasing the number and types of detention facilities. The author’s approach is aimed at framing such changes in International Law and European Union Law framework. As a result of this analysis, the A. identifies a substantial continuity of the Italian migration policies characterized by a securitization perspective and she raises many doubts about the lawfulness of the widespread use of detention in this field. Indeed, deprivation of liberty measures are applied with deterrent and punitive purposes, instead of representing last resort measures.