La rappresentazione sociale della criminalità organizzata nelle scuole dell’hinterland milanese. Un’analisi sulla percezione e sulla conoscenza del fenomeno mafioso tra gli studenti delle superiori

di Eleonora Clerici

L’articolo presenta gli assunti e i risultati di una ricerca svolta nel 2018 nelle scuole della Provincia Nord-Ovest di Milano per comprendere percezioni, rappresentazioni e conoscenze sui fenomeni di mafia e antimafia da parte degli studenti. Precisamente, gli obiettivi che hanno orientato la ricerca sono stati: riflettere sulle rappresentazioni sociali, la percezione e la conoscenza di mafia e di antimafia; indagare il ruolo dei media e della scuola; riflettere sull’efficacia delle attività antimafia.


The article shows the results of a research about the perception, the social representation and the knowledge of mafia and anti-mafia among young people in North-West Milan. The objectives which oriented the research are: to understand the representation, the perception and the knowledge of mafia and anti-mafia among students in this area; to investigate the role of the school in the construction of these images and knowledge; and to comprehend if the education of legality promoted by anti-mafia is still effective or not.

Data were gathered through a questionnaire, built according to previous researches and submitted online to the high-school students of North-West Milan (N=1877). Then, data have been analysed by SPSS.

This research indicates that the lack of knowledge about mafia and anti-mafia persists. In fact, the analyse reveals that students are not well-informed and involved in this topic and they have a limited and unreal perception of these phenomena. This gap is not bridged by the education of legality promoted by the school, which should change and improve the methods, because right now they seem ineffective. Moreover, data indicate that students are not aware of the expansion of mafia in their territory and they are assuming an attitude of delegation in the resolution of mafia issue.

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