di Mauro Trogu
Per saggiare la tenuta dei valori dello Stato democratico nelle risposte date al rischio di atti con finalità di terrorismo occorre appurare come si muova l’intero Stato-apparato di fronte al fenomeno e di quale sia il contesto in cui si inseriscono le misure speciali.
In many Western States where a special legislation against terrorism has been enforced, the judges have reacted by reducing the impact of those laws limiting constitutional freedoms. On the contrary, in Italy, often the judges apply such laws in an extensive way, without monitoring the respect of human rights and freedoms of individuals. This paper aims to illustrate which are and how are applied in courtrooms the main legal instruments to counter terrorism, so as to identify the most critical aspects which risk being in contrast with the constitutional order. In particular, changes of the criminal, administrative and penitentiary systems and their applications in court are analyzed.