di Fulvia Ugolini
La recente adozione di circolari, sia in materia di immigrazione che di contrasto a fenomeni sociali, porta alla luce un sistema di governo attraverso l’utilizzo di fonti non di rango primario che cerca la sua giustificazione e legittimità formale nel richiamo all’urgenza e alla necessità di sicurezza. Vediamo riemergere, quindi, uno strumento che trovava la sua essenza nella necessità di coordinamento e armonizzazione dell’operato tra gli uffici, caratterizzato da un’assenza, o quasi, di pubblicità.
This article deals with the increasingly wide usage of governmental and ministerial circulars as a source of law in the framework of migrant rights aimed to address security-related concerns. Since circulars do not qualify as a source of neither primary nor secondary, nor regulatory law, the fact that their current use impacts constitutionally-protected individual rights and freedoms is problematic. An overview of past adoptions of such documents will contribute to outline a governmental policy which arguably targets migrant rights, and particularly asylum seekers, with the consistent employment of binding circulars.With regards to the current Italian situation, this article analyses the most relevant aspects of two very recent circulars adopted by the Prefects of Bologna and Florence – the so-called ‘Red areas circulars’ – and namely their restrictions on the freedom of movement and self-determination of the individuals affected by the circulars’ provisions. This study aims to shed new light on the existing practice of limiting personal freedoms and constitutional guarantees by means of inadequate, and technically non-normative, documents, and to provide the grounds for future discussion on the compatibility of the examined circulars with key provisions of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.