di Massimo Pellingra Contino
Il tema del presente contributo è oggetto di una graduale attenzione da parte della dottrina e della giurisprudenza (Sciullo 2015; Maglieri 2006). Nell’ambito dei provvedimenti legislativi che modificano la disciplina dell’attività amministrativa, è divenuto ormai frequente rintracciare semplificazioni in materia ambientale.
The topic of this paper – the simplification of administrative procedures concerning the environment and therefore the proceedings directly related to environmental protection – has been gradually examined by scholars and judges. And now simplification in environmental matters is quite frequent, as part of the legislative measures amending the discipline of administration. The aim of simplification is always at the center of the great process of administrative reform already begun in the Nineties (while now it is in progress) and it has invested also the branch of environmental law. Actually, today literature is more and more brought to consider environmental interests as a “limit to simplification”, even if this last category is very discussed by recent new rules. Today, this theme is examined through a reductio ad unitatem, so that a systematic reading can be done.