di Claudia Candelmo
L’utilizzo delle sanzioni da parte del Consiglio di sicurezza trova il suo fondamento giuridico negli ampi poteri attribuiti a quest’ultimo nell’ambito del mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza internazionale, in particolare tra le misure non implicanti l’uso della forza.
As per article 41 of the United Nations Charter, the Security Council may adopt sanctions to prevent States or individuals and entities from threatening international peace and security. States and regional organizations, such as the European Union, may as well adopt unilateral sanctions. The frequent use of targeted sanctions, especially in the fight against terrorism, has caused progressive concerns of potential human rights abuses, especially violations of the principle of due process. One of the least analysed topics, in this context, is the problem of wrongfully listed individuals and entities, and their right to a fair compensation for the damage suffered. This issue has become the object of an evolutionary jurisprudence of European courts. Furthermore, the Security Council has recently adopted resolution no. 2253, which specifically analyses, for the first time, the issue of wrongfully listed individuals and entities.