Rispondere al moderno oltre il moderno?

di Marco Moschini

Per avviare una riflessione sulla modernità occorre prendere avvio dall’assunto, per nulla errato, che noi stessi siamo eredi e figli di una condi­zione dalle “fondamenta instabili” così come suggerisce il confronto da noi aperto.  


The purpose of this article is to present some critical considerations on modernity from the contemporary point of view. The discussion on subjectivity, initiated by Hegel, cannot be reduced to a simple decon­struction of the principles of modernity. The critique of the speculative presuppositions of modern thought should take into consideration new visions of world and relationships, able to provide the rehabilitation of thought that transcends the limits of the modern and subjective con­sciousness closure in order to comprehend the individual and social content of human realty.

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