Sicurezza, terrorismo e cittadinanza: la nuova legislazione francese anti-terrorismo e l’impegno internazionale contro i cd. foreign fighters

di Cristina Gazzetta

Il 24 settembre 2014 il Consiglio di Sicurezza ha adottato, ai sensi del Capitolo VII della Carta delle Nazioni Unite, la Risoluzione S/RES/2178 (2014) con cui ha obbligato gli Stati ad adottare misure utili al contrasto dei foreign fighters.


On 24 September 2014, the Security Council adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, Resolution S / RES / 2178 (2014) which requires Member States to adopt appropriate measures to contrast the foreign fighters. On 24 November 2014, the France adopted a new anti-terrorism law whose project was already under discussion since the summer. In implementation of Resolution 2178, some European States have introduced measures providing for the withdrawal of residence permits and travel documents, until the revocation of citizenship. In particular we should mention, as well as France, the cases of Belgium, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Italy. The article aims to investigate the new French anti-terrorism legislation and the consequences of the déchéance de nationalité as a tool available to the French State for the purpose of safeguarding their internal security.

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