Raccontare la nonviolenza: il caso del conflitto israelo-palestinese

di Pina Sodano

Raccontare il conflitto israelo-palestinese è un’impresa complessa che richiede un’analisi molto articolata. Risulta difficile ridurre, in poche righe, l’origine, la dinamica e il dramma di un conflitto considerato, nell’ambito dei conflitti irrisolti, tra i più duraturi. 


This essay focus on the analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a sociological perspective using the theoretical approach of the non violence beginning with Gandhi and Sharp. Moreforward it will be analyzing three types of nonviolent struggle: starting from the popular struggle coordination committees with regard to their specific organization, of individuals and international movements that support them; then Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) that was adopted primarily in South Africa, and finally it will be explaining the protest of the political prisoners that have adopted, in the last years, a hunger strike as a control strategy. In conclusion it will be analyze the limits of this alternative strategy of alternative to violence with its strengths, and to able to change the dichotomy resistance-terrorism, taken as a new method or as a discovery of a revolutionary resistance.

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