Il ruolo dell’Unione europea nella risposta alle questioni poste dai flussi migratori, investendo i Paesi che ne sono parte, è da mesi uno degli elementi di maggiore dibattito all’interno delle istituzioni europee, tra gli Stati e al loro interno, con sensibili ricadute “politiche”.
Thick migration flows have reached Europe for these last decades, so the EU and its Member States (especially the ones that are “the European External Border”, like Italy or Greece) have to face the problems connected to this phenomenon. This contribution analyses the Resolutions voted by the European Parliament about refugees and migration and considers the European Agenda on Migration, communicated on 13th May: these documents try to carry out the principles of solidarity and shared responsibility (contained in the Article 80 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union), even if some Member States show to be uncertain about these fundamental ideals (at the bases of the first project of United Europe).