Lo scenario socio-culturale delle società complesse, caratterizzato da molteplici conflitti interculturali, sembra reclamare con urgenza nuovi schemi di lettura e nuove chiavi interpretative di quella regione potente e sconosciuta, definita in molti modi.
The effectiveness of the social sciences, in the understanding the today’s intercultural conflicts, can improve studying the phenomenon of the shamanism, that has assumed an increasing importance both to national level and international. The apprentices are, in fact, in contact with mythical-ritual complexes of intercultural nature, thanks to which they can acquire connected ability to the dialogue among different cultures. They can also build trans-cultural nets and flows.
Spread in the Usa, in Canada and in other countries of western culture, these practices have acquired visibility in Italy from the beginning of this century. A sociological research in progress has begun to explore this particular vital world, with the method of the grounded theory, with the purpose to reconstruct the lived spirituality and the trials of the shamanic activities.
From the analysis of the data, the story of a deep cultural transition emerges in action in the Country. A radical change of the sensibility and the mentality is upcoming, that as trans-cultural metànoia can be framed. Putting in communication different worlds, and building trans-cultural experiences, observed realities develop an important function in the social body. They furnish philosophical and emotional support to the people and the communities, that will be able of resistance to the mainstream of the dominant culture and of the unique thought.