di Mario Carta
La Eastern Partnership (EAP) è un’iniziativa congiunta tra l’Unione europea e sei paesi dell’Est, nello specifico Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bielorussia, Georgia, Moldavia e Ucraina, che si sviluppa in quell’ambito dell’azione esterna costituito dalla riformata European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP, 2015) al fine di promuovere i principi che hanno informato la creazione dell’Unione, declinati all’art. 21, par. 1 del TUE.
The article explores the new initiatives that the European Union and the six countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) have undertaken in the field of migration and asylum. In particular the analysis carried out in the essay concerns the activities of the Panel on Migration and Asylum, launched at the Prague Summit on 2011, as the most significant tool created to facilitate, inter alia, the strengthening of the immigration and asylum system of the partnership countries; the progress of the dialogue on the issues of immigration and asylum between the partnership countries and the European Union and, finally, the facilitation of the exchange of best practices to comply with international standards. The research highlights the differences between national regimes and the law of the European Union with regard to irregular immigration, particularly as regard smuggling, and the reasons behind this fragmentation.