La tutela del dipendente pubblico che segnala illeciti fra indicazioni sovranazionali e disciplina interna

di Caterina Bova

La figura del whistleblowing è stata introdotta per la prima volta nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano con l’art. 1, comma 51 della legge 6 dicembre 2012, n. 190 che interviene a inserire siffatta previsione nel Testo unico sul pubblico impiego introducendo l’art. 54-bis del d.lgs. n. 165 del 2001 (Cantone 2013, 243-258).


The article explores the evolution of whistleblowing in the Italian legal system, from the law 190/2012 to the most recently enacted law 179/2017. It presents an overview of European guidelines and best practices and makes reference to other legal systems, such as those of the United States and the United Kingdom, where laws on whistleblowing – which differ significantly from the Italian approach – have been applied in numerous cases in the recent past.

The article highlights the main changes brought about by the law 179/2017, ranging from widening the scope of application to introducing sanctions, and finds that further reform is required in order to address inconsistencies and gaps that remain in the legal framework. The National Anticorruption Authority will have to play its part by developing new guidelines and regulating the sanctions system.

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