From Internal Security to Urban Security: The Role of European Cities

di Elisabetta Tatì

The security policy is a sensitive argument for Europe, nowadays, as well as in the past. It could not be differently. Security, both as internal public order and external defense, is one of those basic needs the Leviathan should guarantee for the good of the individual and the collectivity. It is now an issue for the European Union (EU) as well. Also for the city, security was and is a central issue, especially in terms of safety, today.


The paper has two aims. First of all, it wants to support the thesis in favour of the European cities’ key role in security. This means to specify the contents of what security really means today in Europe and at the local level, for example in terms of human security, safety and prevention (to say, working on social choesion, fighting poverty and radicalization or supporting integration). Secondly, it tries to legally justify, under the wider definition of “urban security”, the competences of European cities(that are normally medium ones, in terms of population) in managing security issues. This attempt involves a reflection on the role of National States, of the European Union (especially through the new European urban policy) and of networks of cities in security nowadays in Europe. To manage the complexity, the paper is developed as a case‐study that compares territorial strategy for urban security (mainly under the legal point of view) in three medium European cities (Modena, Lille and Tilburg).

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